Drumhead Magazine Interviews Matt Scanell

This month's Drumhead Magazine includes an interview with Vertical Horizon singer, Matt Scanell. The article goes into detail of how Vertical Horizon was influenced by Rush, and Scanell also shares the story of his friendship with Neil Peart. Apparently Neil was in Texas selling his BMW car to a lady at a BMW dealership; her husband was Matt Scanell, who was also present and recognized Peart. They hit it off and became good friends.

Peart and Scanell's friendship has been documented by Neil in his recent books, Traveling Music and Roadshow. In June of last year, Neil Peart posted to his website that he will be appearing on the forthcoming Vertical Horizon album (release date unannounced):
"Late in 2005, Matt [Scannell] and I started working on a song together, with lyrics I wrote especially for Matt’s voice — literal and metaphorical. Matt suggested I might like to play drums on that song, and when I agreed to that, he started sending me demos of other songs he thought I might like to play on. (Trickster!). So while I was in Toronto working on Rush songs, I was also 'moonlighting' on three of Matt’s songs, playing to his demos and working out drum parts for them...Through the miracle of modern technology, I was able to e-mail those recorded sketches to Matt, and collect his comments as I went along. Thus it came to pass...on June 14, 2006, at Capitol Records Studio B in Hollywood (Hollywood and Vine, in fact), I recorded three songs for Matt’s upcoming Vertical Horizon album...The following day I told Matt that session had been one of the greatest challenges, experiences, and — now — rewards of my life. That’s the way I have always felt about making Rush albums, and I have every faith the same will be true when Alex, Geddy, and I reconvene in September." - Neil Peart, NeilPeart.net, June 17, 2006

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