Rush On "Coverville"

In the Discography section of this website, you'll find our Rush Covers page containing a chronological listing of all known Rush songs which have been performed and released by other artists. If you have never had the pleasure of hearing many or any of these songs, you might be interested in Coverville, an online podcast radio show which focuses strictly on cover songs. The show features a combination of music and information about the cover artist as well the original artist.

Coverville #695: The Rush Cover Story, is an entire show focused exclusively on Rush, including 8 Rush covers (among them Richard Cheese, Wave Mechanics Union, Jamz Bee's Royal Jelly Orchestra, The Catherine Wheel, Jacob Moon, and more), as well as Rush's cover of The Yardbird's "Shapes of Things" from Feedback. In addition, Coverville #719 includes Candlewyck's "The Point Of Know Return"/"The Spirit Of Radio" live bluegrass medley, found on their album Candlewyck Live At The Palmetto Theater (the closest to a bluegrass Rush cover I've ever heard...still waiting on the inevitable Pickin' On Rush album!). - Thanks Tom for the headsup!

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