Neil Peart's "News Weather and Sports" - January 2012

Neil Peart has updated his website with the January 2012 edition of News, Weather and Sports: "At the Gate of the Year". After sharing his thoughts on the Pagan Winter Festival, Neil discusses the completion of the writing and recording of Clockwork Angels, and confirms that plan to start mixing in the New Year.  He discusses in depth the method of recording the drums on the new album; here is just a short sample:
"Rush songs tend to have complicated arrangements, with odd numbers of beats, bars, and measures all over the place, and our latest songs are no different (maybe worse—or better, depending). In the past, much of my preparation time would be spent just learning all that. I don’t like to count those parts, but rather play them enough that I begin to feel the changes in a musical way. Playing it through again and again, those elements became 'the song.'  This time I handed that job over to Booujzhe. (And he loved it!) I would attack the drums, responding to his enthusiasm, and his suggestions between takes, and together we would hammer out the basic architecture of the part. His baton would conduct me into choruses, half-time bridges, and double-time outros and so on—so I didn’t have to worry about their durations. No counting, and no endless repetition. What a revelation! What a relief!...By these methods, each song’s drum part was composed, arranged, performed, and recorded in just a few hours, rather than many days, as in the past. Also, each performance occurred only once, with magic-or lucky-moments from a few takes combined into one that was fresh and spontaneous."
He also shares his thoughts on the passing of his friend and teacher, Freddy Gruber, who he had overheard saying "I had quite a ride. I wish I could do it all again.", and how he had included those sentiments in one of the new Rush song, "with one character reflecting on his life in that fashion."  So now we know that the new Rush album has characters!- January 11, 2012

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