Volkswagen Passat Commercial Featuring "Fly By Night" - Geddy And Alex comment

You'll recall that Volkswagen published a commercial on their Youtube page on September 20th, 2012, announcing that the Passat is the 2012 Motortrend car of the year.  Oh, and the music rocks, featuring "Fly By Night"!  The commercial was a big hit to all who saw it.

Here is a recently unearthed interview with Geddy and Alex with Wall Street Journal TV, posted October 26th, where they discuss the commercial and their appreciation for humor in a licensing pitch:
"Sometimes the right idea gets sent to you and it's funny, and you go, 'yeah, funny's good, we'll go with that'!  I think we just react to humor." - Geddy Lee on the Volkswagen Fly By Night commercial,, October 26, 2012
 - Thanks to RushFanForever for the headsup!

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