Rush Inducted into Guitar Center's Historic RockWalk

Rush were inducted into Guitar Center's "RockWalk" at their Hollywood California location on Sunset Boulevard, in an exclusive invite only induction ceremony at noon today, November 20th.  Geddy Lee commented on the induction in a press release announcing the event:
"We are very pleased to have been chosen by our peers and fellow musicians for induction in Guitar Center's RockWalk," said Rush's Geddy Lee.  "It is an honor to have our names added to this illustrious list of great and highly talented musicians."

"Not only is Rush extraordinary as a band, but each member is incredibly talented in their own right," said Dave Weiderman, Chairman of Guitar Center's RockWalk. "With nearly thirty years together, this group has consistently delivered skilled musicianship, experimental-drive and stylistically diverse rock to music fans worldwide. In short – Rush is long-deserving of being honored by Guitar Center's RockWalk." - PR Newswire, November 8, 2012
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