Rush "more dates in the spring and summer of 2013 in North America"

Today Rush posted the following thank you to their website, which includes the first official confirmation that additional North American dates will be added soon for the spring and summer of 2013:
"Thanks to all the fans who came out to see the Clockwork Angels Tour 2012! It was an amazing run – from the Clockwork Angels String Ensemble, the filming in Dallas & Phoenix, and YOU. It proved, once again, how dedicated and loyal the Rush fans are and are such a part of the overall show. Europe, are you ready? Clockwork Angels 2013 in Europe is on sale now. And just because we had such a good time, we are now making plans for more dates in the spring and summer of 2013 in North America – so stay tuned for more announcements. Looking forward to seeing you out on the road again soon!" -, December 6, 2012

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