Cyril Neville covers Working Man on "Magic Honey"

Cyril Nevill of the Neville Brothers has covered Rush's "Working Man" on his new blues album, Magic Honey.  Hitting store shelves today, September 10th, a 30 second sample can be heard here; you can order the CD here, and it is also available on iTunes.
"Neville’s vocals have never lacked swagger, but here they have an arena-rock power that he’s seldom reached for in the past. So it makes sense that the track 'Working Man' isn’t the one Mike Bloomfield wrote and Otis Rush recorded (as the cover credits have it), but the one by those venerable bluesmen, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson. And the sound of New Orleans funkateers doing a Rush song—and doing it damn well—is about as colorblind as music gets." -

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