"Diehards" by Erin Feinberg, featuring essay by Neil Peart

After an initial small release in 2013, the photography book Diehards by Erin Feinberg has been reissued with a July 1, 2014 publication date.  Diehards turns the camera the other direction and focuses on the energy and spirit that fuels every live show—the fans.  The book includes original essays from Bruce Springsteen and Neil Peart, an excerpt of which follows:
"In London, England, on Wednesday, May 25, 2011, I took another photograph from my drums, this time at the end of the show, just before the encore...Returning to London to play with Rush in the late ‘70s had been hugely important to me, and so it remained every time—at the Hammersmith Odeon, the Wembley Arena, and this time, at the new O2 Arena. Like playing in Toronto, Montreal, or—in recent years—Los Angeles, London was a kind of 'hometown gig' to me.""
Inspired by the diverse character and culture of music fans, Feinberg spent a decade photographing audiences across all genres and from every vantage point. From the “Deadheads” out in the parking lots, to the “Kiss Army” up in the rafters; the fans screaming around the stages for U2 and Lady Gaga, to the mosh pits at the Warped Tour and Mayhem Music Festival; Feinberg captured the raw energy and emotion in more than one­ hundred stunning images of fans under the spell of the music.

“I discovered a unique bond among these enthusiasts that transcends language, ethnicity, gender, and even the very music we are celebrating—because the music defines who we are.” Says Feinberg, “Through my lens I’ve witnessed fan subcultures born of this devotion.”

A wide range of audiences are seen throughout Diehards – the fans of U2, Bruce Springsteen, Kiss, Jimmy Buffet, The Grateful Dead, Phish, Bob Dylan, Judas Priest, Metallica, Motorhead, Ozzy Osbourne, Jay Z, Public Enemy, Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban, Led Zeppelin, Lady Gaga, Marilyn Manson, James Taylor, Bon Jovi, The Rolling Stones, the Ramones, Madonna, Social Distortion, Against Me!, Green Day, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, the Foo Fighters, Motley Crue, Aerosmith, Rush, The Flaming Lips and many more.

For more info visit diehardsbook.com. - Thanks to Amy Franklin for the headsup!

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