FYI Industry Profile: Pegi Cecconi

FYI Music News has posted a new interview with Pegi Cecconi. a key cog in the Rush machine, Pegi has served as SRO/Anthem's Vice President behind Ray Danniels for literally decades.
As the long-time right hand for [SRO/Anthem President) Ray Danniels, Cecconi has had a pivotal role in the rise of Rush to the title of ‘world’s biggest cult band.’ For instance, she executive produced the longform DVDs that have become a major revenue stream for the band (and SRO/Anthem).

The fiercely loyal and feisty Cecconi is exactly the kind of business person any artist would love in their corner. She notes that “Rush are as big as they are because of Ray Danniels’ total loyalty. I was brought under that wing. When I fight for fuckin Rush, as far as I’m concerned they’re the Beatles, there’s nothing else. You sit there with people having big stars, and we’d be the pain in the ass- ‘you’re not getting this or that.’ That part was fun. Ray’s thing was I want more so you’d figure out what more you could give them.”

As we lured the reluctant interviewee down memory lane, we got a chuckle out of her anecdote about her first dealings with Ray Danniels and Rush. “I met Ray when I was booking bands at my high school, Roland Michener Secondary School in South Porcupine, Ontario. He was my agent and he used to try to sell me Rush. I'd say’ no way. I can get a four-piece band for the same price as a trio. If Rush had ever played my high school the shit would have been beaten out of them!’

“I started with Ray but he wouldn’t give me a job. My first job was as an agent with Tommy and Vic Wilson, who had the Concept 376 agency. At the time it was on 57 Spadina in Toronto. I had a job working with Cliff Hunt there. I made 60$ a week but I was on commission and I was suddenly making $400. That was good money for 1972.”
 Click here for more.

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