"The Origin of Neil Peart" documentary by Paul Miil

Back in 2009, director Paul Miil released a documentary about Niagara's music scene titled The Big Story of Small Potatoes which "explores the roots of the lost music scene of Niagara, circa 1964-1974." The documentary includes Neil Peart along with one of his early bands JR Flood performing the song "Giant Killer".  Miil later posted the full documentary on Youtube.

This past Sunday, Miil posted The Origin of Neil Peart, a newly assembled 48-minute documentary using reedited footage from The Big Story of Small Potatoes, as Miil explains in the intro:
"Before the footage from The Big Story of Small Potatoes was lost to time, I thought it prudent to fill the commitment I made to myself in 2007 to make the Neil Peart documentary. Neil Peart's band mates and contemporary drummers are the true character of this film. I had a ton of fun researching and finding them, and thank them all for their participation. In any event, it may be more accurate to have the 'many' explain the 'one'..."
You can check it the documentary below. - Thanks to Andy O for the headsup!

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