"When other bands cite us as an inspiration or an influence, [the theme of 2112 is] what they're talking about, more than anything. I've often read when we're mentioned as an influence for a band they'll say, 'We're big Rush fans, because they did it on their own, they did it their own way, and that told me that I could do the same thing. If I stick with it, persevere, I can do things the way I want them to be.'"Check it out here.
Rush News from Power Windows...A Tribute To Rush
A Tribute To Rush
Rush News
"All The Gifts Of Life: 40 Years Of Rush's '2112'" - NPR
NPR.com has posted a new article, "All The Gifts Of Life: 40 Years Of Rush's '2112'", to celebrate Rush's landmark album. Alex Lifeson shares his memories and thoughts on the album and his memories of the writing and recording process.
Alex Lifeson to participate in Alice Cooper's 'Rock & Roll Golf Classic and Vampire Bash'
UPDATE: The Arizona Republic has posted a review of the show, check it out here.
Alice Cooper's Rock & Roll Golf Classic and Rock & Roll Vampire Bash directly benefit Solid Rock and The Rock Teen Center, and bring together some of the biggest names in entertainment and sports, and many PGA veterans and community leaders.
Join Alice and his wife Sheryl as they raise the dead at Alice Cooper's Rock & Roll Vampire Bash on Sunday, April 24 from 4:30 p.m. until 10:00 pm. The nocturnal fun includes a cocktail reception where you can chill in the Pro Em VIP Lounge, silent auction, dinner, live auction and live entertainment on the PCS Stage with Alice Cooper and friends, including Alex Lifeson (RUSH), Danny Seraphine (CHICAGO), Tommy Thayer (KISS), Frank Sidoris (SLASH), and Neal Smith (ALICE COOPER), and the comic genius of John O'Hurley and Jeff Allen.
Tickets are $250 per person and are on sale now by calling Joy Covell at the Solid Rock office at 602-522-9200.
For more information, click here.
Alice Cooper's Rock & Roll Golf Classic and Rock & Roll Vampire Bash directly benefit Solid Rock and The Rock Teen Center, and bring together some of the biggest names in entertainment and sports, and many PGA veterans and community leaders.
Join Alice and his wife Sheryl as they raise the dead at Alice Cooper's Rock & Roll Vampire Bash on Sunday, April 24 from 4:30 p.m. until 10:00 pm. The nocturnal fun includes a cocktail reception where you can chill in the Pro Em VIP Lounge, silent auction, dinner, live auction and live entertainment on the PCS Stage with Alice Cooper and friends, including Alex Lifeson (RUSH), Danny Seraphine (CHICAGO), Tommy Thayer (KISS), Frank Sidoris (SLASH), and Neal Smith (ALICE COOPER), and the comic genius of John O'Hurley and Jeff Allen.
Tickets are $250 per person and are on sale now by calling Joy Covell at the Solid Rock office at 602-522-9200.
For more information, click here.
Rush takes down Calgary photographer - Calgary Metro

Three years ago, Mark began selling them
online in an Etsy store. Recently, he was surprised to receive a letter,
claiming he was infringing on the band’s copyright and could no longer
sell the photos.
Mark reached out to the band directly for
permission to sell the photos. A representative offered to buy them for
$5,000, which Mark refused.
Rush’s lawyers said it’s about protecting their client’s rights. “There are many rights besides copyrights.
These include trademark rights, personality rights and merchandising
rights,” said Bob Farmer, director with SRO/YYZ Entertainment Group Inc.
“The owner of the photograph does not own these latter rights and
cannot profit by exploiting them.”
Farmer said he’s asked Mark to forward the profits, which will then be donated to charity.
Entertainment lawyer EB Reinbergs said Rush’s lawyers are correct in their legal analysis.
Geddy Lee looks back on 2112 - Kerrang magazine
The March 5 issue of Kerrang! magazine includes a new interview with Geddy Lee where he looks back on the 2112 album, released 40 years ago last month. You can read the complete article here. - Thanks to RushFanForever for the headsup!
Rush featured on tonight's "The Goldbergs" episode "Rush"
Rush has been an ongoing fixture on ABC's "The Goldbergs", primarily through Erica Goldberg's classmate Johnny Atkins, the lead sax player in the high school band, who is constantly seen wearing one of a variety of 80's Rush t-shirts. (Click here for previous references).
On Wednesday's episode of The Goldbergs (8:30/7:30c, ABC), Johnny Atkins (Sean Marquette) introduces Erica (Hayley Orrantia) to the prog-rock stylings of Rush ("Tom Sawyer," natch), and it's love at first sight -- in more ways than one. Check out the teaser below.
On Wednesday's episode of The Goldbergs (8:30/7:30c, ABC), Johnny Atkins (Sean Marquette) introduces Erica (Hayley Orrantia) to the prog-rock stylings of Rush ("Tom Sawyer," natch), and it's love at first sight -- in more ways than one. Check out the teaser below.
2113: Stories Inspired by the Music of Rush - Now Available
Last year author Kevin J. Anderson announced the new anthology 2113: Stories Inspired by the Music of Rush, of which he said "it’s more than just a direct sequel to 2112, and I guarantee there will be some very cool surprises." The anthology is now available, make sure you grab your copy now.
OverviewBe sure to check out "Kevin J. Anderson talks "Clockwork Lives", "2113", Rush and more"
The music of Rush, one of the most successful bands in music history, is filled with fantastic stories, evocative images, thought-provoking futures and pasts. In this anthology, notable, bestselling, and award-winning writers each chose a Rush song as the spark for a new story, drawing inspiration from the visionary trio Geddy Lee, Alex Lifeson, and Neil Peart.
From stark dystopian struggles to uplifting triumphs of the human spirit, the characters populating 2113 find strength while searching for hope in a world that is repressive, dangerous, or just debilitatingly bland. Most of these tales are science fiction, but some are fantasies, thrillers, even edgy mainstream. Many of Rush’s big hits are represented, as well as deeper cuts . . . with wonderful results. This anthology also includes the seminal stories that inspired the Rush classics “Red Barchetta” and “Roll the Bones,” as well as Kevin J. Anderson’s novella sequel to the groundbreaking Rush album 2112.
2113 contains stories by New York Times bestselling authors Kevin J. Anderson, Michael Z. Williamson, David Alan Mack, David Farland, Dayton Ward, and Mercedes Lackey; award winners Fritz Leiber, John McFetridge, Steven Savile, Brad R. Torgersen, Ron Collins, David Niall Wilson, and Brian Hodge, as well as many other authors with their imaginations on fire.
Geddy Lee Answers Fan-Submitted Questions At U.K.'s PLANET ROCK (Video)
Geddy Lee recently answered a number of listener-submitted questions at the studios of the U.K. digital radio station Planet Rock. Important issues covered include: tobogganing, mysterious discs, playing in cowsheds, and just how in the heck he manages to remember all the songs! Check out his answers below.
Rush: "We weren't defiant, we just figured 2112 was the last record we'd make" - Teamrock.com
For the record, 2112 was released in early March 1976 (as confirmed by press from March '76), not April Fools day as stated in this new interview from Teamrock.com...
"Rush: 'We weren't defiant, we just figured 2112 was the last record we'd make'" includes an 8 minute video interview with Geddy Lee, where he looks back on their landmark album, from the recording of the album, recording the live follow-up (All The World's A Stage), to the kimonos worn in album's photoshoot. By the way, I would never presume to correct Geddy, but 2112 was played in its entirety on the Test for Echo tour in 1996/1997, not the R30 tour as he says here. - Thanks to Skip Daly for the headsup!
"Rush: 'We weren't defiant, we just figured 2112 was the last record we'd make'" includes an 8 minute video interview with Geddy Lee, where he looks back on their landmark album, from the recording of the album, recording the live follow-up (All The World's A Stage), to the kimonos worn in album's photoshoot. By the way, I would never presume to correct Geddy, but 2112 was played in its entirety on the Test for Echo tour in 1996/1997, not the R30 tour as he says here. - Thanks to Skip Daly for the headsup!
Rush to reissue all 14 Mercury Albums On 8-Track
Today Rush.com has announced that after the success of last year's vinyl reissue program, Universal Music Enterprises (UMe) will soon begin reissuing all 14 albums from the Mercury era on 8-track tape.
This is great news for audiophiles and more importantly collectors who love to buy up anything with Rush's name on it. In addition, all reissues will include a code to download a copy of the 8-track audio converted to 64 kbps mp3, for that authentic 8-track sound on your mp3 player.
As an added bonus, three of the albums, Fly By Night, A Farewell to Kings, and Signals, will also be released in 8-track monaural sound for the first time ever.
"I think it's great," said singer Geddy Lee. "People have been asking us for years, 'what happened to the 8-track?' and since we have some extra time on our hands, we decided to bring it back."
"I have an 8-track player in my Audi," said guitarist Alex Lifeson, "and that's where I do all my heavy listening. 8-track is where it's at!"
Click here for the Rush 8-Track reissues trailer.
This is great news for audiophiles and more importantly collectors who love to buy up anything with Rush's name on it. In addition, all reissues will include a code to download a copy of the 8-track audio converted to 64 kbps mp3, for that authentic 8-track sound on your mp3 player.
As an added bonus, three of the albums, Fly By Night, A Farewell to Kings, and Signals, will also be released in 8-track monaural sound for the first time ever.
"I think it's great," said singer Geddy Lee. "People have been asking us for years, 'what happened to the 8-track?' and since we have some extra time on our hands, we decided to bring it back."
"I have an 8-track player in my Audi," said guitarist Alex Lifeson, "and that's where I do all my heavy listening. 8-track is where it's at!"
Click here for the Rush 8-Track reissues trailer.
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