Rush News

Rush Reference on "Riverdale"

Riverdale is an American television series based on the characters of Archie Comics currently airing on Warner Bros CW network. During season 2, episode 10, aired January 17, 2018, titled "Chapter Twenty-Three: The Blackboard Jungle," when confronted with being transferred to a new High School, Jughead quotes "Subdivisions" and says: 'So our choices are conform or be cast out." - Thanks to Sebastian Seifert for the headsup and screencap!

Neil Peart reviews Bill Bruford's book "Uncharted"

Drummer Bill Bruford has penned a new book, Uncharted; Creativity and the Expert Drummer, published on January 17th.  Fellow expert drummer, Neil Peart, reviewed the book for the University of Michigan Press, and what is notable are his credentials are given (by him?) as "former drummer and lyricist".  Hmm...
“After forty years of creating professional music, pretty much all of it to his taste (passing rare), Bill Bruford has laid down the torches — and tried to capture their flame in words. Begin by running your eyes down the list of Bill’s collaborators. The expert performers and teachers will attract any reader with more than a passing affection for music. Simply put, it is a lights-out masterpiece of useful insight and passionate, reflective wisdom."
—Neil Peart, former drummer and lyricist, Rush
- Thanks B-man for the headsup!