Today the USAToday published a short article containing a sneak peak and the upcoming comic book series Clockwork Angels. Based on the novelization written by Kevin J. Anderson, the six issue story is tentatively scheduled to debut in April, 2014:
"It's just a beautifully painted world in the music that I tried to capture in the novel and now tried to turn into a different direction," says Anderson, who's working with artist newcomer Nick Robles. "Who knows, we might have ice follies someday or a Broadway musical."- Thanks to RushFanForever for the headsup!
Even if songs such as Carnies, BU2B and Seven Cities of Gold never make it to official show tune status, Clockwork Angels has grown far bigger than Peart ever imagined.
"Kevin and I had talked for years about combining a novel and an album in some fashion, but I guess the idea had to grow up as Kevin and I did — gaining maturity and confidence in our own separate crafts, while gaining the life experience necessary to give the story its scale and depth," Peart says. "So, rather than a longtime dream realized, this project is more like a fantastic new dream unfolding before us." For more visit USAToday.com
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