Rush News

Neil Peart's "News Weather and Sports" - July 2011

Neil Peart has updated his website with the July 2011 edition of News, Weather and Sports.  In "The Frying Pan and the Freezer", Neil recounts biking through Big Bend National Park in Texas on the hottest ride he had ever taken, 112 degrees, making a "Civil Rights" tour through Alabama, looping down the Mississippi, then west to the coast and then north into the Pacific Northwest for the final show of the Time Machine Tour at The Gorge:
"Added to the forty-four shows and more than 23,000 miles of motorcycling from summer 2010, my bandmates and I had now performed a total of eighty-one shows, before almost one million people. With riding partners Michael and Brutus, I had ridden 36,729 motorcycle miles, covering North America, South America, and Europe."
In conclusion, Neil thanks the roadcrew, their families back home, and briefly touches on the thrill of a sublime performance:
"...these days an exceptional night is often apparent in our improvised sections-Geddy on his bass in the outro of 'Leave That Thing Alone,' Alex in the frenetic solo section of 'Working Man,' and for me, the first half of my solo. When the three of us are at the top of our individual games, we are able to elevate the whole to a sublime synergy."

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