"Trailer Park Boys: The Big Dirty" premiered in Canada on Friday, October 6th, and includes a cameo by Alex Lifeson in the role of a policeman. Rush references abound in the film, as the basic plot premise is the scheme to rob a change machine named the "Quiznoid 2112", from inside the local theater whose marquee reportedly lists the films now showing as "Bastille Day", "The Temples of Syrinx", "Red Barchetta", "La Villa Strangiato", "The Trees" and "Cygnus X-1".

Trailer Park Boys: The Big Dirty film soundtrack includes "The Spirit of Radio", as well as Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson with others covering "I Fought The Law" as 'The Big Dirty Band', and Lifeson on "Liqour & Whores" along with 'Bubbles and the Shit Rockers'. Both songs as well as the video for "I Fought The Law" directed by long time Rush photographer Andrew MacNaughton, along with the film's trailers featuring Rush's "The Spirit of Radio", are available online at
myspace.com/bigdirtyband. For more information regarding the soundtrack and The Big Dirty Band,
click here.