"We’re pretty long-winded and it’s hard to shut us up when we get going on something,” grins Geddy. “It just seemed this album had moments that needed fleshing out. We didn’t really watch the clock, not that we ever really watch it carefully. We were kind of in a groove, writing what we felt were necessary parts of the story and when we added it up in the end...holy crap, there’s value for money.”
Rush News from Power Windows...A Tribute To Rush
A Tribute To Rush
Rush News
Geddy a bit giddy as Rush hit 20 - The Star
The UK's Sheffield Star has posted a new interview with Geddy Lee titled "Geddy a bit giddy as Rush hit 20". Geddy talks about Clockwork Angels, singing Neil's lyrics, and Rush fans. On the length of the album, Geddy said:
"Clockwork Angels: The Novel" Review at Power Windows
Hitting bookstores everywhere September 4th, Rush fans around the world will finally get their hands on the long awaited and much anticipated novelization of Clockwork Angels by Kevin J. Anderson, from a story and lyrics by Neil Peart.
While many of the early reviews of the Clockwork Angels novelization hold it as a fine work of fiction which just happens to be based on the Rush album of the same name, I, like most other Rush fans out there, view this novelization as a rare, perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity to see the full lyrical vision of a Rush album brought to life.
Clockwork Angels tells the story of a naive young man whose dreams of adventure set him on a path which forever changes how he views the world. Along the way via his travels to various exotic locations we meet The Pedlar, The Anarchist, The Carnies (including "a goddess, with wings on her heels"), The Wreckers, and of course The Watchmaker and the Clockwork Angels, along with a few other characters not mentioned in the album. For a Rush fan who is already very familiar with the album, the novel paints the rest of the story, filling in the gaps between songs if you will, fleshing out the lyrics, and drawing the story from point A to point B.
In addition, besides drawing from and expanding upon the lyrics of the album Clockwork Angels to tell the story, author Kevin J. Anderson also liberally sprinkles the novel with lyrics taken from the vast Rush back-catalog. While at first glance this would seem to be a lovely addition to the novel, the results are mixed. Although the occasional subtle reference would bring a smile to my face, I did find that some of the references to be a tad overdone.
The novel itself is brief, clocking in at only 290 pages which includes all of Hugh Syme's original album artwork and more (one treat is a new illustration of a city wall which reads "The Watchmaker, Est. MMCXII" [I'll give you a moment while you remember your Roman numerals...]). While the novel does a fine job expanding on the album, the fast pacing of the story itself seems to have left little room for the author to build upon the relationships of the characters. This likely may have been intentional on the author's part, but this Rush fan would have liked something even more epic!
Rating: 8/10
While many of the early reviews of the Clockwork Angels novelization hold it as a fine work of fiction which just happens to be based on the Rush album of the same name, I, like most other Rush fans out there, view this novelization as a rare, perhaps once in a lifetime opportunity to see the full lyrical vision of a Rush album brought to life.
Clockwork Angels tells the story of a naive young man whose dreams of adventure set him on a path which forever changes how he views the world. Along the way via his travels to various exotic locations we meet The Pedlar, The Anarchist, The Carnies (including "a goddess, with wings on her heels"), The Wreckers, and of course The Watchmaker and the Clockwork Angels, along with a few other characters not mentioned in the album. For a Rush fan who is already very familiar with the album, the novel paints the rest of the story, filling in the gaps between songs if you will, fleshing out the lyrics, and drawing the story from point A to point B.
In addition, besides drawing from and expanding upon the lyrics of the album Clockwork Angels to tell the story, author Kevin J. Anderson also liberally sprinkles the novel with lyrics taken from the vast Rush back-catalog. While at first glance this would seem to be a lovely addition to the novel, the results are mixed. Although the occasional subtle reference would bring a smile to my face, I did find that some of the references to be a tad overdone.
The novel itself is brief, clocking in at only 290 pages which includes all of Hugh Syme's original album artwork and more (one treat is a new illustration of a city wall which reads "The Watchmaker, Est. MMCXII" [I'll give you a moment while you remember your Roman numerals...]). While the novel does a fine job expanding on the album, the fast pacing of the story itself seems to have left little room for the author to build upon the relationships of the characters. This likely may have been intentional on the author's part, but this Rush fan would have liked something even more epic!
Rating: 8/10
Top 10 Rush Songs of the ’70s - Ultimate Classic Rock
Ultimate Classic Rock has posted their list of the "Top 10 Rush Songs of the '70s".
The Top 10 Rush songs demonstrate how Canada’s favorite power trio have always been more than the sum of their parts. Now obviously, those pieces — guitarist Alex Lifeson, bassist / vocalist Geddy Lee and drummer Neil Peart are at the head of the class when it comes to musicianship, but there is more than just virtuosity at play. One thing that often gets lost in translation is that Rush really do have a grand sense of humor. So if you are taking them more seriously than they take themselves, what can we tell ya? We think they’re just peachy. So let’s get ready to take off with the Top 10 Rush Songs of the ’70s. - Click here for more. Thanks to John at Cygnus-X1.net for the headsup!
"A Taste of RESURRECTION, INC." from author Kevin J. Anderson

"My first novel RESURRECTION, INC. (originally published in 1988) has recently been reissued in eBook and in hardcopy. This book was inspired by the songs on the Rush album “Grace Under Pressure”—Someone to talk to and someone to sweep the floors; no swimming in the heavy water and no singing in the acid rain; suddenly, you were gone from all the lives you left your mark upon; are we the last ones left alive?; every muscle tense to fence the enemy within; one humanoid escapee, one android on the run; blind images flashing by, like windshields toward a fly….Click here for more.
"I see my novel, characters, and situations when I listen to the songs. You can order autographed copies from our webstore AnderZone Shop, including bundles with Clockwork Angels. EBook downloads in all formats from WordFire Press.
"Enjoy the first two chapters..."
Geddy Lee speaks out in support of Pussy Riot
Pussy Riot is the Russian feminist punk-rock band that recently made headlines when they were jailed for a performance
inside a Moscow cathedral for criticizing President Vladimir
Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church. The band's arrest and subsequent
trial have inspired a wave of protests across Europe and North America,
along with support from artists such as the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Paul McCartney, Madonna and Rush's Geddy Lee. From CBC News:
"...Geddy Lee, frontman of Canadian rock band Rush, called the verdict a "shocking abuse of power" and a "Neanderthal overreaction to a fairly harmless prank. Clearly artistic freedom has no place in modern-day Russia," he wrote in an email to Evan Solomon, host of CBC's Power & Politics...."- Thanks to Ed at RushIsABand for the headsup!
The Rush Transcript Archive - Over 1,000 And Counting
It's been a year since I launched the "Rush Transcript Archive", an ever growing collection of transcribed magazine and newspaper articles from the band's historic career. You can always find the Transcript Archive under the Literature tab on the above menu. The archive now holds over 1,000 transcripts, with more to come!
To be notified of new additions to the Rush Transcript Archive, follow my Twitter feed at http://www.twitter.com/pwrwindows, or follow me on Facebook. New additions to the archive are also posted to the Site Updates page.
If you have any back issues of magazines or articles that you would like to contribute, please drop me a line. Also, as always, we take Paypal donations!
To be notified of new additions to the Rush Transcript Archive, follow my Twitter feed at http://www.twitter.com/pwrwindows, or follow me on Facebook. New additions to the archive are also posted to the Site Updates page.
If you have any back issues of magazines or articles that you would like to contribute, please drop me a line. Also, as always, we take Paypal donations!
Dave Bidini Remembers Summer '75's "Fly By Night"
In an editorial published in last week's National Post, "Songs of the summer: No season evokes more musical memories than the hottest one",writer/musician Dave Bidini remembers a few songs that evoke summer, starting with "Fly By Night":
My family had a boat, a cruiser, which we docked in Atherly, Ont., just outside of Orillia. The thing I liked most about going there in the summertime was laying across the bow while anchored in the middle of Lake Couchiching, my radio/cassette player at my elbow. I’d listen to a few songs — hoping for Ringo’s No No Song or Pick Up the Pieces by the Average White Band — until something came on that I didn’t like, at which point I’d hop in the water, swim a little, then climb back to the bow.- Thansk to RushFanForever for the headsup!
That year, there was hardly any rock music on the radio — it was mostly Barry Manilow and How Long by Ace and Have You Never Been Mellow by Olivia Newton-John; even the hit version of Pinball Wizard was done by Elton John — so hearing anything on AM radio with a guitar was a big deal. Most rock music had migrated to FM radio, and my summer radio didn’t get that.
In context, Fly By Night was to 1975’s summer playlist what grindcore is to acoustic folk. Its opening chords sounded mean and nasty, even though, hearing them now, the guitar is more lightly flanged than fuzztoned, although I wouldn’t have known the difference at the time. There was also something about the chorus, full of punches and accents in strange places at a time when a lot of pop songs just kind of loped along stepping easily from place to place. Throughout the song, the sun climbed and the day grew hot, but I remember not swimming the rest of the afternoon, instead laying there sunburnt and wanting to hear Fly By Night again, wondering if what I’d heard the first time was, in fact, real.
The six most-beloved Rush concept songs - Macleans
Following up on their recent interview with Neil Peart, Maclean's has published on their website "The six most-beloved Rush concept songs". Author Mike Doherty takes us through his choices, which include By-Tor and the Snowdog, Fountain of Lamneth, 2112, Cygnus X-1 (Books 1 & 2), Natural Science and Clockwork Angels.
Rush Feature In "Metal Hammer" July Now Online
There's a new interview with Alex Lifeson in the July issue of Metal Hammer magazine. The cover feature "Kingdom Come" is now online courtesy of John Patuto of Cygnus-X1.net. Alex discusses the recording of Clockwork Angels, the Time Machine Tour, Beyond The Lighted Stage and more. In addition there are two sidebars including one discussing RUSH's meeting Ozzy Osbourne at Rockfield Studios during the recording of A Farewell To Kings, and another regarding Rush and Machine Head who recorded "Witch Hunt" on their last album. - Thanks to RushFanForever for the headsup!
Neil Peart Interview with MacLeans
MacLeans' has posted a new interview to their website, "Neil Peart On Introverts, Learning To Improvise, And Why People Should Be Nicer To One Another". Neil talks about first joining Rush, the Clockwork Angels album and novelization, the upcoming tour, and more.
Rush Parodies by ApologetiX

ApologetiX is a Christian rock band from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, who record song parodies with a Christian twist (think Weird Al meets Jerry Falwell).
They have released 17 albums in the last 20 years, including two RUSH parodies: "Tom Saw Ya", parodying "Tom Sawyer", was released on Grace Period, 2002, while "Timeline", a parody of "Limelight", is on Wise Up And Rock, 2011. - Thanks to Andrew Weiss for the headsup!
Rush Feature in Stereophile September
The September issue of Stereophile just hit newsstands last week, and is now available for your reading pleasure. In "Working Men: Rush Celebrate More Than Four Decades of By-Tor, Geddy Lee's Voice, and the World's Biggest Drum Kit",
Alex discusses the new album and more importantly the mastering. In
addition, he revisits the horrible mastering of Vapor Trails: "...it is a
war. Vapor Trails [2002], for example, was mastered so hot, it really
wrecked the album. I can't listen to that record. It's so flat and has
so much distortion that we really want to remix that record. It was out
of our hands when it was mastered, and the mastering engineer did a poor
job. He's the first one to admit it. He really pushed it."
Clockwork Angles: The Novel - World Premier Book Launch
On Friday author Kevin J. Anderson posted to his news blog the following announcement regarding Clockwork Angles: The Novel :
Toronto fans, we will be launching CLOCKWORK ANGELS: The Novel, first time ever on sale, on Thursday evening, August 23 at the Richmond and John Chapters (142 John Street) at 7:00pm. I’ll be in Toronto as a guest at Fan Expo throughout the weekend, but this event—open to the general public—will be the first time the novel is available for sale. I will give a talk, answer questions, and autograph books…lots of them, I hope!
For further details, see chapters.indigo.ca. This event is free, and I do not charge for autographs.
US fans, you’ll have to wait an extra week. I WILL have plenty of copies for sale on August 31 at DragonCon in Atlanta.
And if you want to follow me on Facebook, click the link to the Official Kevin J. Anderson fan page and send a request.
Rush On The Cover of "Goldmine" September - Transcript Online
Rush is featured on the cover of the the new issue (September) of Goldmine magazine. The cover reads "Power Play: Rush returns to its roots with Clockwork Angels".
UPDATE: The transcript is now available here. Alex talks about the album and goes through the songs track by track. He also discusses the band's history, and also his "greatest riffs". He closes by sharing that he has recorded "an hour or two" of solo material for potential release on a second solo album in the future, but has no immediate plans to do so. Thanks to Ed at RushIsABand for the original scans!
UPDATE: The transcript is now available here. Alex talks about the album and goes through the songs track by track. He also discusses the band's history, and also his "greatest riffs". He closes by sharing that he has recorded "an hour or two" of solo material for potential release on a second solo album in the future, but has no immediate plans to do so. Thanks to Ed at RushIsABand for the original scans!
Free PDF Download of Clockwork Angels Preview Booklet

"I’ve received many envelopes and requests for the special preview booklet of CLOCKWORK ANGELS: The Novel. With ECW Press and the Rush Store, we’ve decided to make the pdf available for download as well. The preview includes introductions by Neil Peart and me, the first three chapters in the novel, lyrics to “Caravan,” and some of the artwork. You can download the pdf by clicking the link."
Invest in Rush - Sesac Bond Offering
According to an article from Dow Jones Newswires, Rush song royalties are being included in a $300 million bond issuance by Sesac Inc.:
"Bob Dylan's music was the soundtrack for the counterculture of 1960s America. Now it has become a selling point for an unusual bond offering being marketed to institutional investors and wealthy individuals. A privately held Nashville, Tenn., company is preparing a $300 million bond backed by the cut it receives as a middleman between music companies and songwriters and the outlets that broadcast their music. The company, Sesac Inc., has the exclusive rights to the public broadcast or performance of the music of Mr. Dylan, pop singer Neil Diamond, Canadian rock band Rush and jazz singer Cassandra Wilson..."- Thanks to Ed at RushIsABand for the headsup!
Anthrax To Cover "Anthem" On Upcoming Covers EP
UPDATE 8/4: Artisan News Service spoke to Anthrax's guitarist Scott Ian and bassist Frank Bello regarding their upcoming covers EP which will include a cover of Rush's "Anthem". You can watch here.
UPDATE 8/1: In a story posted at Loudwire.com back in June, it was revealed that Anthrax is covering "Anthem" on an EP to be released on or around September 13th to celebrate the one year anniversary of their album Worship Music:
In a new interview with WVOX.com, Anthrax's Frank Bello says that their next album will include a "RUSH classic":
"The RUSH song is a bit of a bitch; I can't say that's an easy one. But it's a song we all know and we're all familiar with, so then, of course, you take on the challenge of just really trying to nail it and do it justice." - Scott Ian- Thanks to Frank Ray for the headsup!
"I have to get every little part of Geddy down, 'cause I'm a fanatic with that stuff, and I have to," Bello said. "I'm still working on little bits. It's great. I love it." - Frank Bellow.
UPDATE 8/1: In a story posted at Loudwire.com back in June, it was revealed that Anthrax is covering "Anthem" on an EP to be released on or around September 13th to celebrate the one year anniversary of their album Worship Music:
“To commemorate the first year of ‘Worship Music’ being out, we’re putting together a little companion EP with some fun s--t on it,” he said. “It started out as what I call ‘The ’70s EP.’ It’s made up of some cover songs from our favorite bands – consisting of Rush, Thin Lizzy, Boston, Journey… We’re still working on it now, but I think it’s gonna be really cool.”- Thanks to John at Cygnus-X1.net for the update!
Fan can expect to hear Anthrax’s takes on AC/DC’s “T.N.T.,” Boston’s “Smokin’,” Journey’s “Keep on Runnin’” and Rush’s “Anthem.” The EP is due around September 13. - Loudwire.com, June 20, 2012
In a new interview with WVOX.com, Anthrax's Frank Bello says that their next album will include a "RUSH classic":
"We’re doing some cover versions of songs and re-releasing the record in the fall with some special cover songs such as a RUSH track and a BOSTON song. It’s gonna be great. Some really cool stuff which I think people are really going to dig." - Frank Bello, BW&BN, July 30, 2012 - Thanks B-man for the headsup!
Guitar Center Announces 2012 RockWalk Inductions/Rush Sweepstakes
More news has been announced regarding Rush's Guitar Center RockWalk induction. From a press release published yesterday:
In addition, as previously announced Guitar Center is holding a Rush Sweepstakes to celebrate their 48th anniversary. The grand prize includes a VIP trip for 2 to see Rush in Los Angeles, a chance to win $1,000,000 during the GC Anniversary Dice Roll, attendance at GC's RockWalk induction of Rush, a Fender Geddy Lee Jazz Bass, and $500 spending money. Not bad. For details and to enter click here. - Thanks to John Stevenson for the headsup!
"Guitar Center is proud to announce their upcoming 2012 RockWalk induction ceremonies featuring multi-platinum and Grammy winning singer-songwriter Alanis Morissette, Multi-Platinum and Grammy winning Latin rockers Mana, and renowned rock trio Rush. Each Guitar Center RockWalk induction will be held at the retailer's historic Hollywood location on Sunset Boulevard. The inductions, which are invite only, will include an induction speech and ceremony, in which the musicians' handprints will be immortalized for the millions of music fans who visit Hollywood each year. Each of the new inductees' handprints will reside in the RockWalk alongside other accomplished musicians and innovators such as, Eric Clapton, George Martin, Jimmy Page, Iron Maiden, Carlos Santana, Johnny Cash, Van Halen, AC/DC, Aerosmith, Marvin Gaye, James Brown, B.B. King, Stevie Wonder, Run-D.M.C. and Queen, among numerous others.
Schedule of Upcoming Guitar Center RockWalk Inductions: Rush – November 20, 2012" - PRNewswire, August 2, 2012 - Thanks to B-man for the headsup!
In addition, as previously announced Guitar Center is holding a Rush Sweepstakes to celebrate their 48th anniversary. The grand prize includes a VIP trip for 2 to see Rush in Los Angeles, a chance to win $1,000,000 during the GC Anniversary Dice Roll, attendance at GC's RockWalk induction of Rush, a Fender Geddy Lee Jazz Bass, and $500 spending money. Not bad. For details and to enter click here. - Thanks to John Stevenson for the headsup!
Classic Rock Presents Rush - Clockwork Angels Special
UPDATE August 1: The complete transcript is now online!
UPDATE July 6: "Classic Rock Presents Rush Clockwork Angels - a special iPad version of the official deluxe fanpack for the album featuring bonus exclusive video interview with Rush's Geddy Lee. Now available to download with or without the album (please note album music remains inside the fanpack and cannot be extracted to iTunes)". Click here to purchase.
UPDATE May 29: Rush and Classic Rock have just shared a 10 page "sampler" of the fan pack which you can view here.
Although the US release date is June 12th, the UK release date is not until July. However, UK fans can get it on June 11th as part of the Classic Rock Presents Rush - Clockwork Angles fanpack:
UPDATE July 6: "Classic Rock Presents Rush Clockwork Angels - a special iPad version of the official deluxe fanpack for the album featuring bonus exclusive video interview with Rush's Geddy Lee. Now available to download with or without the album (please note album music remains inside the fanpack and cannot be extracted to iTunes)". Click here to purchase.
UPDATE May 29: Rush and Classic Rock have just shared a 10 page "sampler" of the fan pack which you can view here.
Although the US release date is June 12th, the UK release date is not until July. However, UK fans can get it on June 11th as part of the Classic Rock Presents Rush - Clockwork Angles fanpack:
"The album - Rush's first since 2007 and their first on Roadrunner Records - will go on sale officially in the UK in July. However, the new record will be available from 11 June as part of an exclusive fanpack put together by our good friends at Classic Rock.
On sale a full three weeks before the regular UK album release date, Classic Rock Presents Rush - Clockwork Angels (fanpack edition) features the new album in full plus a 132 page magazine that forms the 'ultimate sleevenotes' to the new record, with extensive and exclusive interviews with Neil Peart, Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson.
Inside is everything you need to know about Clockwork Angels: full track-by-track rundown by the band, an interview with producer Nick Raskulinecz, long time cover artist Hugh Syme and more - all with exclusive unseen shots.
Other features include: Gene Simmons on Rush in the '70s, Rush's live rig and set-up, plus the band's full back catalogue reappraised by former producer Terry Brown, Manic Street Preacher and superfan Nicky Wire, Steven Wilson (Porcupine Tree) and more.
Pre-order Classic Rock Presents Rush - Clockwork Angels" - MusicRadar.com, April 11, 2012
"Conquering Mount Rush-More" - Kerrang! Now Online
On July 20th, Rush.com shared that there is a new Rush feature in the latest issue of Kerrang! magazine, with the tagline "Conquering Mount-Rush-more - the 10 steps that made Rush rock's biggest, geekiest cult."
Thanks to John Patuto at Cygus-X1.net, the transcription is now available for your reading pleasure.
Thanks to John Patuto at Cygus-X1.net, the transcription is now available for your reading pleasure.
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